@miu • ON-LINE now

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eden, vel, or miu
she her lesbian
19, intj583, black american,

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Activity: Spotify 9 hours ☰ Listening to 🎧 I- I Never Said Love! by Ichigaya Arisa on Spotify

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@miu • 1:37 AM, Jan 1

@miu • 1:41 AM, Jan 1




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byi i’m insane. i curse a lot. i do not usually use tone indicators nor do i need them. i use slurs that i can reclaim (including f slur). i make kms and kys jokes.
dni mcyt/kpop fans. -15 or 25+. if you’re anti my faves. if you dislike any of my interests. loli-shotacons.
..Extra Note..
dms and pings are fine whenever. i’ll answer as soon as possible
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